The Story of Recharge Wellness and Our Mission to Transform Mental Health Support.

The Recharge story started off the back of Founders Nick and Femi identifying thousands of people within the system falling between the gaps: the gap between being ‘okay’ in the community and needing hospitalisation. After working many years in the public health sector, we realised people need simpler ways to access effective mental health support, regardless of their stage, situation or status.

Coupling effective technological solutions including software platforms with high quality professionals, we found that having a discreet and tailored approach to skill acquisition along with support from experienced professionals was the most effective way of reduce signs and symptoms of anxiety within our demographic.
our vision

A future where everyday Australians have adequate access to mental health support regardless of their stage, status or situation.

the mission

Recharge conceptualises and delivers innovative opportunities, for everyday Australians to get support for their mental health.

5 Tips to Recover from a Breakup

5 Tips to Recovering from a Breakup by a Psychologist

Breaking up is hard to do. It’s a phrase that’s been mentioned in countless songs, and yet it doesn’t even begin to capture the emotional rollercoaster that follows the end of a relationship. Whether it’s a mutual decision or a complete blindside, breakups suck. But hey, we’ve all been there, and with a bit of guidance, you can emerge stronger and more resilient. Here are five tips from a psychologist to help you navigate the choppy waters of a breakup and sail toward recovery.

1. Feel Your Feelings, Don’t Fight Them

First things first: it’s okay to feel like crap. Seriously. Whether you’re sad, angry, relieved, or a confusing cocktail of emotions, let yourself feel it all. Suppressing your feelings will only prolong the healing process. Cry if you need to, scream into a pillow, or binge-watch those sappy rom-coms. Give yourself permission to grieve the loss of the relationship.

2. Lean on Your Support System

Your friends and family are your lifeline right now. Don’t hesitate to reach out to them. Grab a coffee with your bestie, call your mum, or even join a support group. Sometimes, just talking about what you’re going through can be incredibly therapeutic. Remember, you don’t have to go through this alone.

3. Rediscover Yourself

Now’s the time to reconnect with the awesome person you were before the relationship. Dive into hobbies you love, try out new activities, or revisit goals that may have taken a backseat. This is your chance to focus on you. Maybe you’ve always wanted to learn a new language, start painting, or travel solo. Whatever it is, go for it. You’re not just healing; you’re evolving.

4. Set Healthy Boundaries

After a breakup, it’s crucial to establish boundaries with your ex. This might mean unfollowing them on social media, limiting contact, or even blocking their number if you need to. Out of sight, out of mind, right? It’s not about being petty; it’s about protecting your mental and emotional well-being. Give yourself the space you need to heal without constant reminders of the past.

5. Practice Self-Care

Self-care is more than just bubble baths and face masks (though those are great too!). It’s about nourishing your mind, body, and soul. Get enough sleep, eat well, exercise, and find moments of joy in your daily routine. Meditation, journaling, and mindfulness practices can also be incredibly beneficial. Taking care of yourself is a powerful step toward recovery.

Final Thoughts

Recovering from a breakup is a journey, not a race. It takes time, patience, and a lot of self-compassion. Remember, you’re stronger than you think, and this experience, painful as it may be, is an opportunity for growth. So, take a deep breath, give yourself a big hug, and know that you’ve got this. Here’s to new beginnings and a brighter, happier you!