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The Story of Recharge Wellness and Our Mission to Transform Mental Health Support.

The Recharge story started off the back of Founders Nick and Femi identifying thousands of people within the system falling between the gaps: the gap between being ‘okay’ in the community and needing hospitalisation. After working many years in the public health sector, we realised people need simpler ways to access effective mental health support, regardless of their stage, situation or status.

Coupling effective technological solutions including software platforms with high quality professionals, we found that having a discreet and tailored approach to skill acquisition along with support from experienced professionals was the most effective way of reduce signs and symptoms of anxiety within our demographic.
our vision

A future where everyday Australians have adequate access to mental health support regardless of their stage, status or situation.

the mission

Recharge conceptualises and delivers innovative opportunities, for everyday Australians to get support for their mental health.

Navigating Stress Working from Home

Navigating Stress and Balance as a Remote Worker

Remote work and the ‘gig economy’ has reshaped the modern workforce, offering flexibility and autonomy like never before. While many enjoy the freedoms of being a freelancer or remote worker, the blurring lines between work and personal life can pose unique psychological challenges. In this age of interconnectedness, how does one strike a balance? Many online therapists and psychologists have provided insights and coping mechanisms tailored for this digital work culture.

The Psychological Weigh-in on Remote Work

Remote work, in theory, sounds like a dream. No commute, the flexibility to set your own hours, and the comfort of home. However, the reality can be a mix of benefits and pitfalls. The lack of a structured work environment can lead to overwork, burnout, and feelings of isolation. Online psychologists have identified a growing number of professionals seeking therapy to navigate the mental challenges the gig economy brings.

Strategies for Balance and Well-being

To ensure that the scales don't tip too far into work or leisure, online therapists suggest several strategies tailored for remote workers and freelancers:

  1. Define Your Workspace: Even if it's just a dedicated corner in a room, having a specific 'work area' can psychologically help separate work from relaxation.
  2. Set Clear Boundaries: Create a work schedule, and stick to it. Just because you can work at any hour doesn't mean you should.
  3. Prioritise Self-care: Allocate time for breaks, exercise, and hobbies. It's easy to get consumed by tasks when there's no office to leave behind.
  4. Stay Socially Connected: Loneliness can creep in when working remotely. Schedule regular video calls with colleagues or virtual coffee breaks. An online psychologist can also offer valuable social interaction, helping you process feelings and stay mentally healthy.
  5. Seek Professional Guidance: Online therapy has become a go-to for many freelancers. Discussing work stresses with an online therapist can offer actionable insights and coping mechanisms.


The gig economy, with its blend of autonomy and challenges, is here to stay. As we navigate this evolving landscape, mental well-being remains paramount. Whether you're seeking strategies to enhance work-life balance, combat feelings of isolation, or simply need an understanding ear, online therapy platforms- such as Recharge Wellness- are bridging the gap, ensuring remote workers have the psychological support they need.