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The Story of Recharge Wellness and Our Mission to Transform Mental Health Support.

The Recharge story started off the back of Founders Nick and Femi identifying thousands of people within the system falling between the gaps: the gap between being ‘okay’ in the community and needing hospitalisation. After working many years in the public health sector, we realised people need simpler ways to access effective mental health support, regardless of their stage, situation or status.

Coupling effective technological solutions including software platforms with high quality professionals, we found that having a discreet and tailored approach to skill acquisition along with support from experienced professionals was the most effective way of reduce signs and symptoms of anxiety within our demographic.
our vision

A future where everyday Australians have adequate access to mental health support regardless of their stage, status or situation.

the mission

Recharge conceptualises and delivers innovative opportunities, for everyday Australians to get support for their mental health.

The Reality of Self Care

Self-Care in Modern Culture: Moving Past the Trend to Embrace Authentic Well-being

As self-care continues to trend, we often think spa days, exotic retreats, and lavish living. While these have their place, genuine self-care is much deeper. Faced with our own unique challenges, it’s important to redefine self-care to prioritising mental, emotional, and physical health. We ask our team of online therapists and psychologists to weigh in on how this generation can move beyond the buzzword to embrace truly impactful self-care practices.

Decoding Self-Care

For many, self-care isn't just about luxury; it's a necessity. In a world filled with digital distractions, pressures, and work-related stress, self-care has emerged as a necessary response, needed for well being.

Practical Strategies to Elevate Self-Care: Guidance from Online Psychologists

  1. Digital Detox: In our always-on culture, periodic digital detoxes are essential. Carving out screen-free time can rejuvenate the mind and foster genuine human connections.
  2. Mindfulness Practices: Meditation, deep-breathing exercises, and journaling are tools that help anchor the present moment, alleviating anxiety and stress.
  3. Physical Activity: Regular exercise, even if it's just a daily walk, can significantly uplift mood and reduce feelings of lethargy.
  4. Healthy Nutrition: Intuitive eating and mindful nutrition can be transformative. It's not about restrictive diets but understanding what your body needs and respecting those needs.
  5. Boundaries: Setting and maintaining boundaries, both personally and professionally, can prevent burnout and ensure a balanced lifestyle.
  6. Continuous Learning: Engaging in workshops, courses, or reading can nourish the mind, helping individuals feel accomplished and stimulated.
  7. Seek Professional Support: Sometimes, the most profound act of self-care is seeking help. Online therapy platforms connect individuals with professionals who can provide tailored guidance and coping strategies.


While trending hashtags and glamorous images may dominate the self-care narrative, at its core, it's about genuine well-being. Many are gradually shifting the conversation, recognising that true self-care often lies in the everyday choices we make, from the food we eat to the boundaries we set. And in moments of overwhelm or confusion, the online therapist community stands ready to guide, support, and empower.