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After completing your session, payment will be processed, allowing you to make future reservations without upfront holds or payment.

Once you submit the full private fee payment, if you have a valid referral and Mental Health Care Plan uploaded to your account for accessing Medicare rebates, your claims will be processed within 2-5 days.

Get Started

*Certain psychologists offer bulk-billing. Contact our team to find the right match for you.

What are the advantages of Medicare coverage for psychology sessions?

Medicare benefits offer substantial savings of $96.65 per session for psychology services provided by a general psychologist, and $141.35 with a clinical psychologist.

To access these benefits, you need a valid Medicare card and must obtain a referral letter and a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) from your GP prior to attending your session. These documents are essential to qualify for Medicare rebates and make the most of your Medicare coverage for psychology sessions.

With a MHCP plan, individuals can access up to 10 individual Medicare-subsidised psychology sessions per calendar year.